Senior Pets: What to Watch For

by Alyssa H., Veterinary Technician and Continuing Education Coordinator

Peer Reviewed by Dr. Sapato, BLVD Vet Logan Square Medical Director

Friends and Neighbors,

As a follow up to our Senior Visits 101 blog, we wanted to share some things to look out for at home! Changes caught early can help prevent the progression of diseases that cause our pets pain and discomfort--the diagnosis doesn’t have to be “they're just getting older.”

8 Changes to Watch For

  1. How much your pet is eating and drinking, along with any changes in amount or behavior. Both an increase or decrease in appetite can be signs of a disease process or discomfort.

  2. Are their potty habits changing? Are your cats having trouble getting into the litter box, or go to the bathroom just outside the box? Do they seem to be urinating more often? Are your dogs signaling to go out more frequently or having accidents?

  3. Is it difficult for your pet to move around on slippery floors? Do they have trouble getting up after laying for long periods of time?

  4. Are there any changes to their fur? Does it seem rougher or thinner? Manageable endocrine diseases can cause hair loss and changes in hair coat. 

  5. Is your pet having trouble navigating a familiar environment? Do they seem off balance?

  6. Are they acting more or less anxious than they used to? 

  7. Is your pet having trouble recognizing you when you enter a room, or become unsettled quickly even when familiar faces are nearby?

  8. Are you noticing changes in your pets evening routine? Do they have difficulty waking from a deep sleep, or they are having trouble settling at night and pace the home?

It’s important to realize that while changes may be age related, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be treated to slow down the progression, reduce or eliminate pain, managed to be non-symptomatic or even reversed. If you are seeing changes in your pet's habits or behaviors, don't hesitate to schedule an exam. Let us help you extend their quality of life!


The BLVD Team 


Frenchies 101


Senior Visits 101