Meet Bialy’s Wellness Foundation!

Adopt -A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week was introduced by PetFinder in 2009 to bring awareness to all of the wonderful, adoptable pets that are unfortunately overlooked due to age, color of fur, medical/physical conditions, or other factors that categorize the pet as “less” adoptable. To raise awareness and promote the adoption of special needs animals, we wanted to share the story and goals of local organization Bialy’s Wellness Foundation.


Bialy’s Wellness Foundation, or BWF, financially assists and provides resources to families, rescues, and caretakers of pets with mobility impairments and neurologic congenital abnormalities. Our friend, partner, and founder, Erin, started BWF after caring for her first pet needing specialized care: Bialy. “Bialy was urinary and fecal incontinent and paralyzed in her back legs,” Erin explained, “I found there were not a lot of resources out there to help with her case, so when she passed I found it imperative to start a non profit to help others care for their pets.”

Caring for a mobility impaired pet


We asked Erin to give us the inside scoop on the reality of caring for a mobility impaired pet. She expressed, “Overall, the reward is receiving an unconditional love from the pet you care for and developing a very special bond. The most important thing is to find a routine that works for you and once you get into a routine, it becomes second nature and does get easier. Then, it is so important to find a support system (like your veterinarian, friends, family and organizations like BWF) to help guide you, answer questions you may have, and ask for help because at times it can become demanding, physically and emotionally. I learned that not taking time away from caring for Bialy, and now Josh (@gimmesomejosh), was taking a toll on other areas in my life. Like many caregivers, you get worn out and need to recharge and incorporate healthy self care.”

Erin went on to explain, “Another one of our organizational goals is to help change the perception of pets with mobility impairments.

Caring for a mobility impaired pet

We asked Erin to give us the inside scoop on the reality of caring for a mobility impaired pet. She expressed, “Overall, the reward is receiving an unconditional love from the pet you care for and developing a very special bond. The most important thing is to find a routine that works for you and once you get into a routine, it becomes second nature and does get easier. Then, it is so important to find a support system (like your veterinarian, friends, family and organizations like BWF) to help guide you, answer questions you may have, and ask for help because at times it can become demanding, physically and emotionally. I learned that not taking time away from caring for Bialy, and now Josh (@gimmesomejosh), was taking a toll on other areas in my life. Like many caregivers, you get worn out and need to recharge and incorporate healthy self care.”

Erin went on to explain, “Another one of our organizational goals is to help change the perception of pets with mobility impairments.


Other than BWF, are there other resources that could help me take care of a special needs pet?

“Absolutely! There are online forums and groups where people can share their experiences with others going through similar situations. Your veterinarian, veterinary specialists, and support staff can be invaluable with sharing their expertise. Many of the businesses that provide supplies and equipment for mobility impaired pets also can be great resources. And of course organizations that focus on helping this population of pets like Bialy's Wellness Foundation can also provide great resources such as:

Wondering how you can get involved?


“Foster, volunteer, donate to an organization that assists pets with mobility impairments. Support the caretakers by offering your time or lending an ear. And never make judgements! We are doing what we can to change the perception and conversation.”

We want to truly thank Erin, Bialy’s Wellness Foundation, and all of those who advocate and promote the adoption of special needs animals. Together, we can make a difference in this population of pets.


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